Hello, mystery readers! Lately, I've been wondering about everyone's reading preferences and habits, so I devised a quick survey to find out. Multiple answers are allowed on some questions. To see all the survey options for each question, click See All Results.
Following that, in the interest of fun and enlightenment, there's a mystery-movie trivia quiz. Enjoy and cheers!

My favorite mystery setting
0%Cabins – forests, ships, trains, spaceships, etc.
0%Creepy countryside
0%Sinister suburbias
0%Big cities with big-ass crimes
You can vote for more than one answer.
My favorite historical mystery period
0%Ancient times
0%19th century (Victorian)
0%Turn-of-the-century (Gilded Age)
You can vote for more than one answer.
My favorite way to read a mystery
0%Print. Paper pages only, please!
0%Ebook. Who needs paper?
0%Audiobook. Who needs to read?
0%Print and Ebook
My favorite crime genre
0%Historical mystery
0%Police procedural
0%Private detective
You can vote for more than one answer.
My favorite type of mystery
Latest book in my favorite series
Literary mysteries
Genre-bending mysteries
Some easy questions, some hard (I think). Hit pause when you need to ponder.